================================================================================ Dim XS v2.2.0.0 2023-01-12 New Features: - Added "Start with Windows" Setting - Added the new setting to the startup Wizard ================================================================================ Dim XS v2.1.0.0 2022-05-01 Fixes: - Dim Filters self correct after being moved by Monitor Connection Changes. Changes: - Adjusted Website Link (was going to Google Sites Temp Page) ================================================================================ Dim XS v2.0.0.0 2020-01-07 What's in a Name: Well I rushed to visual studio with an idea and GameDim was born. But after consideration and thinking about possible use cases for this software, I decided to rename the application. Dim XS is now the new name for GameDim. If someone actually reads this, then you'll find out that the X is for "Xtremely" and the S is for "Stupendous" but could also double as S for "Simple" New Features: - Added Double Click Operation to Tray (Opens Dim XS) - Added Startup Wizard for Initial Configuration. - Re-launch of Startup Wizard through help menu. - Added Minimize when "Closed" i.e. only can exit through tray icon. ================================================================================ GameDim v1.0.0.0 2020-01-03 Out of Beta: I believe all major planned features and functionality have been implemented. Interface is Clean and easy to understand. Therefore v1.0 seems appropriate. New Features: - Added Start Minimized Option (Saves in Settings) - Created Tray Icon - Tray Icon changes based on Enabled State - Left Clicking Tray Icon performs "Toggle" action to enable or disable GameDim - Right Click Context menu to Open or Exit GameDim - Added Minimize to Tray (Saves in Settings) Changes: - Internal Changes for how Resources are accessed. ================================================================================ GameDim v0.7.0.0 2020-01-02 New Features: - Added Monitor State Saving (Yey!! it remembers which monitors were dimmed) - Supports saving up to 64 Monitor's States Changes: - Changed "Quick Toggle" Button to an "Enable" Button (Single Blue LED look for Enable/Disable) - Now allowed to change the monitors being dimmed in disabled state Fixes: - Monitor Icon/Buttons Background Color is no longer tri-state (not intentional) ================================================================================ GameDim v0.6.1.1 2019-12-31 New Features: - Configurable Global Hot Key for "Quick Toggle" action - Persistent Portable Settings File (XML) - Added Quick access Tool Bar Button Changes: - Internal Resource Cleanup ================================================================================ GameDim v0.4.3.0 2019-12-29 Features: - Initial Release (If you have an earlier version you got it directly from me) - Auto Detects Monitors and Sorts them from Left to Right based on desktop arrangement - Auto Scaling of Monitor Buttons to fit in the work space - Single Dim Adjustment Slider for controlling the Level of Dim on Selected Monitors - Master ON/OFF or as I called it "Quick Toggle" button with Green/Red indicator for activating or deactivating the DIM Globally - Includes a short story in the about, I hope you enjoy.